Day by day we are trying to bring something healthy, new and appetizing on our tables. From this effort comes the idea of this Vegetable loaf wrapped in black kale.
The main ingredients are cauliflower and kale. The first one is basically a neutral vegetable, that needs some "boost" to be tasty: this is why we added curry powder and some crunchy vegetables.
You can decide to use different vegetables, getting what you have in your pantry: the basic ingredients are black kale, cauliflower, eggs and cheese. But we suggest to plan your recipe in order to get an "artistic", colorful loaf.
The main ingredients are cauliflower and kale. The first one is basically a neutral vegetable, that needs some "boost" to be tasty: this is why we added curry powder and some crunchy vegetables.
You can decide to use different vegetables, getting what you have in your pantry: the basic ingredients are black kale, cauliflower, eggs and cheese. But we suggest to plan your recipe in order to get an "artistic", colorful loaf.
This colorful loaf is wrapped in black kale leaves. We wanted to make the black (or Tuscan) kale the main act of our recipe both because it is on season and it is very healthy.
Black kale is usually used for soups and even if you cook it for a long time, it will be ever crunchy.
We wish to warn that this recipe is not too difficult, but it needs some patience, cause of the great number of ingredients it is made of and for the time needed in baking.
Black kale is usually used for soups and even if you cook it for a long time, it will be ever crunchy.
We wish to warn that this recipe is not too difficult, but it needs some patience, cause of the great number of ingredients it is made of and for the time needed in baking.
Ingredients for 12 slices
- 1 carrot (about 50 g)
- 1 slice of red capsicum (60 g)
- 50 g sweet corn, canned
- 50 g frozen peas
- 1 small onion or spring onions (60 g)
- 500 g black kale
- 600 g cauliflower
- 200 g boiled potatoes
- 2 eggs
- 50 g parmigiano cheese, grated
- 2 teaspoons powdered curry, cumin or other spices
- sea salt, black pepper, extra virgin olive oil
Difficoltà: medium/hard - Tempo: about 2 hours
Place a big pot full of water on the stove and bring the water to a boil.
Peel the potatoes. Set aside
Cube the carrot (5 mm per side) and boil for 3 minutes. Take them off with a skimmer and set aside.
Do the same with the red capsicum. Set aside.
Peel and chop the onion, make it brown in a pan with a couple of tablespoon of oil or in microwave (see here). Set aside.
In the same pan, add two more tablespoons of oil and stir-fry frozen peas for about 3 or 4 minutes.
Drain the canned sweet corn kernels and wash. Set aside.
Clean and wash the cauliflower: cook the florets for five minutes or until the stems are tender. Set aside to cool down.
Peel the potatoes. Set aside
Cube the carrot (5 mm per side) and boil for 3 minutes. Take them off with a skimmer and set aside.
Do the same with the red capsicum. Set aside.
Peel and chop the onion, make it brown in a pan with a couple of tablespoon of oil or in microwave (see here). Set aside.
In the same pan, add two more tablespoons of oil and stir-fry frozen peas for about 3 or 4 minutes.
Drain the canned sweet corn kernels and wash. Set aside.
Clean and wash the cauliflower: cook the florets for five minutes or until the stems are tender. Set aside to cool down.
Clean and wash the black kale leaves. Boil for five minutes.
Take the leaves off of the boiling water with a skimmer and pour them into cold water, to stop the cooking.
Take the leaves off of the boiling water with a skimmer and pour them into cold water, to stop the cooking.
Place the kale leaves onto a clean kitchen towel and dry them well.
Take the scissors or a sharp knife and cut away the hard part of the kale leaves.
Take the scissors or a sharp knife and cut away the hard part of the kale leaves.
Take a loaf mold and completely cover it with the black kale leaves. Provide that the leaves overtake the mold. If it is necessary, use two or more leaves, crossing them: they have to be very close one to another, leave no room.
Mash the potatoes and the cauliflower using a vegetable mill. Place the purée into a large bowl, add the spices, the sea salt (to your taste), the powdered black pepper (a pinch), the grated cheese and combine well. Finally add all the vegetables you set aside before. Gently combine.
Pour the mixture into the loaf mold. Fold the exceeding leaves on the top of the cauliflower and vegetable mix. Cover all of the mixture: if needed, add some kale leaves lengthwise.
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